Native Gathering: A Meeting with Native American Elders, Activists, Select Funders and Scholars
PARTICIPANT GROUP PHOTO (Sitting L to R) Elizabeth Richards, LaDonna Harris, Mary Thomas, Luz Vega-Marquis, Wilma Mankiller, Jo Ann Kauffman (Standing L to R) Louis Delgado, Winona LaDuke, Warren Kontz, Gail Small, Octaviana Trujillo, Charlie Soap, Lucille Echohawk, Kyle Smith, Valorie Johnson, Sydney Beane, Paula Starr, Michael Chapman, Michael Smith (Not in picture) Beatrice Medicine, Michael Roberts.
(June 2003)
On June 20-21, 2003, the Marguerite Casey Foundation (MCF) brought together a group of Native people from across the country to participate in a consultative session designed to help the Foundation develop a comprehensive strategy to strengthen and support Indigenous families and communities. With the help of CURL, a report was written up documenting the meeting. The participants represented a cross-section of Natives, including elders, activists, scholars and funders who possess exceptional knowledge and experience in working for the betterment of Indigenous communities, whether in reservation-based communities or urban Indigenous communities.
The key concepts and ideas that were generated from the group’s discussion provide a framework for the field of philanthropy to consider in conducting its work.
Project Team:
L. Delgado, CURL