American Indian Health Services Needs Assessment Study - Chicago Metropolitan Region
(6/2003 – 7/2004)
Courtesy of American Indian Health Services
American Indian Health Services (AIHS) is a health care organization that provides direct services to American Indians and Alaska Natives in Metropolitan Chicago. The organization sought to undertake a review of the health status of American Indian/ Alaska Native people in its service areas so as to ascertain health needs, per the requirements of its major funding agency, Indian Health Services (IHS). As such, AIHS collaborated with the Center for Urban Research and Learning (CURL) at Loyola University Chicago on a needs assessment study to meet the said requirement.
The research team of AIHS and CURL identified several goals for this study:
1.) Estimate the population of urban Indians residing in the AIHS service area, who are or could be recipients of AIHS’ health care or referral services.
2.) Provide a profile of the current health status of urban Indians residing in the Chicago area covered by AIHS’ services.
3.) Offer an estimate of the current health needs of the population of American Indians and Alaska Natives based in AIHS’ service area.
4.) Identify all public and private health services and resources within AIHS’ service area that are available to urban Indians, as well as the barriers to health care.
5.) Determine the use of public and private health service resources by urban Indians residing in AIHS’ service area.
The team produced a comprehensive needs assessment report including not only the health assessment data but also identified the need for further education and outreach to the American Indians and Alaska Natives in the Chicago Region. It also recommended partnerships with local health care providers and initiate training programs that would promote cultural sensitivity toward American Indian/Alaska Native clients.
Research Team:
C. George, CURL
C. Sabina, CURL
D. Veloso, Graduate Fellow
I. Tostado, Undergraduate Fellow
B. Halberg, Undergraduate Fellow
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