Evaluation of Family Focused Organizing with COFI
(12/1/2014 - 12/1/2017)
CURL started an evaluation partnership with Community Organizing and Family Issues (COFI), focusing on their recently awarded multi-year grant from the Kellogg Foundation. The process evaluation examined the implementation of COFI’s parent leadership program - Family Focused Organizing - in four Illinois communities that are building collaborations to improve access to and quality of early learning programs. Family Focused Organizing develops parents as leaders in their communities so they may advocate on behalf of themselves, their families, and their communities.
COFI’s mission is to be a catalyst for positive change. It is a center and a resource for family focused organizing, leadership development and community building focused on the well-being of children, youth and families. Founded in 1995, COFI is driven by a deep commitment to social justice, and grounded in the time-tested principles, strategies, accomplishments, and approaches of community organizing.
Research Team:
C. George, CURL
J. Cossyleon, CURL Graduate Fellow
A. Hypolite, CURL Graduate Fellow
T. Neumann, CURL
K. Ocampo, CURL Undergraduate Fellow
Z. Enriquez, CURL Undergraduate Fellow
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