A History of Deborah’s Place: An Organization Serving Women Who Are Homeless or Formally Homeless in Chicago
Community Needs Assessment Guide: A Brief Guide on How to Conduct a Needs Assessment
Smart Growth and Equity Policy Development
The project documented existing local, community-based projects in an effort to include these voices in the larger smart growth development discussion. It examined how the benefits of regional economic growth might be used more effectively to address pressing social problems in these communities and the broader region.
Read MoreHousing Affordability Research Committee
The Uptown Housing and Land Use Study
CURL partnered with Organization of the NorthEast (ONE) and State Representative Larry McKeon to collect data on land use and housing in Chicago's Uptown neighborhood. This report is organized into three broad sections. First, a brief history of Uptown is provided to give readers a context for the setting of the study. Second, changes are examined that occurred in key demographic, housing and land use variables between 1990 and 2000. Finally, a variety of maps, graphs, and tables, to be found in the appendix, are used in presenting a more detailed picture of the community area.
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