Filtering by Category: Race & Ethnicity
Minding the Gap: An Assessment of Racial Disparity in Metropolitan Chicago examines seven quality of life measurements: income, wealth and employment, education, housing, transportation, health, the lives of children and the criminal justice system. This report, by examining these seven systems, not just one, creates a unique context for understanding both the complexity of these individual systems and the relationships between these systems.
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Housing Discrimination and Economic Opportunity in the Chicago Region
Persistent racial and ethnic segregation has continuing implications for the social, political, cultural, and economic vitality of Chicago region. This report demonstrates the reality of such concentrations, and analyzes why they persist. We are particularly interested in assessing the impact of housing discrimination on job and wealth opportunities for people of color. Findings and recommendations are drawn from reports on this subject written since the last series of reports commissioned by the Human Relations Foundation of Chicago in 1990.
Read MoreExpanded Advocacy for Mayan Populations in Guatemala and Chicago
Fabiola Varela-Garcia, Professor of Modern Languages worked with Casa Guatemala, a community organization serving Guatemalan immigrants. The project sought to understand and advocate for Mayan speaking immigrants in Chicago.
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Black, White and Shades of Brown: Fair Housing and Economic Opportunity in the Chicago Region
In May 1997 the Leadership Council for Metropolitan Open Communities commissioned CURL to write a report answering the questions, “What is the state of fair housing in the Chicago region today, especially related to race and ethnicity? What are its implications for economic opportunity and development?”
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Development of Peer Intervention in Risk-Taking Behavior Among Teenagers
Peer intervention in risk-taking among youth was a project developed between the principal and the faculty of Pierce Elementary School and Dr. Elizabeth Vera who has volunteered her services at Pierce School for a number of years. As a McCormick Faculty Fellow at CURL, she and 15 graduate students in counseling psychology in the School of Education interviewed 7th and 8th graders and made recommendations for strategic interventions.
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The Emergence of Stable Racially and Ethnically Diverse Urban Communities: A Case Study of Neighborhoods in Nine U.S. Cities
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development worked with the Policy Research Action Group (PRAG) to study the factors central to creating and sustaining viable, inclusive, diverse, stable urban neighborhoods. An issue of Cityscape: a Journal of Policy Development and Research was published presenting unique case studies of each stable, racially and ethnically diverse urban community.
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The 1996 Chicago Latino Registered Voter Political Survey: Political Participation and Public Policy Positions
As part of the Midwest/Northeast Voter Registration Education Program, thirty volunteers were trained by Loyola faculty and graduate students to administer a telephone survey to determine the level of Latino participation in the democratic process. The research team published their findings in Harvard's Journal of Hispanic Policy.
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Saving our Homes: The Lessons of Community Struggles to Preserve Affordable Housing in Chicago’s Uptown
Carmen Marine
In collaboration with Organization of the NorthEast (ONE) a community organizing group on Chicago’s north side, CURL worked to produce a study of nine affordable housing buildings in Uptown and the tenants’ and community organizations’ efforts to keep the housing affordable. The story of each of the buildings provides different lessons for tenants, housing organizers, community organizations, government policy makers in Chicago and in every other city of the country. This report is an effort to give voice to some of those working poor who have been struggling to preserve the affordable housing that is their road to self-sufficiency in the diverse neighborhood of Uptown on Chicago’s north side.
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