Development of Peer Intervention in Risk-Taking Behavior Among Teenagers
(01/01/1997 - 06/30/1997)
Courtesy of Pierce Elementary.
Peer intervention in risk-taking among youth was a project developed between the principal and the faculty of Pierce Elementary School and Dr. Elizabeth Vera who volunteered her services at Pierce School for a number of years. As a McCormick Faculty Fellow at CURL, she and 15 graduate students in Counseling Psychology in the School of Education interviewed 7th and 8th graders and made recommendations for strategic interventions.
Dr. Vera and her colleagues went on to publish an article in the Journal of Clinical Child Psychology called "A Qualitative Investigation of Perceptions of Violence Risk Factors in Low-Income African American Children."
Research Team:
E. Vera, Education, Loyola University
S. Speight, Education, Loyola University
Pierce Elementary School Staff
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