Lawndale Christian Safety Net Learning Collaborative Evaluation
(5/1/2013 - 2/28/2015)
This was an evaluation for a consortium of 10 safety net health care centers in Chicago and northern Illinois, led by the Lawndale Christian Health Center. We assessed the implementation of new staff and manager training initiatives as well as a manager leadership program which were intended to improve staff, manager, and patient communication. The objective was to determine the impact on staff engagement, staff satisfaction, and patient satisfaction. We also assessed the training implementation process across the organizations. An internal report was produced with recommendations for future action.
Research Team:
C. George, CURL
M. Rojek, CURL Graduate Fellow
W. Byrnes, CURL Graduate Fellow
T. Stratton, CURL Graduate Volunteer
E. Nethercott, CURL Undergraduate Fellow
S. Gabourel, CURL Graduate Fellow
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