Impact of Gentrification and Displacement on Different Racial and Ethnic Communities in Chicago
(12/30/2004 - 4/1/2006)
In partnership with the City of Chicago Commission on Human Relations, researchers from CURL and multiple Loyola University departments examined the cycle of community reinvestment, displacement and its impact on low income residents, particularly those living in predominantly African American or Latino communities.
This took place between April and August of 2006 through interviews and focus groups in multiple communities facing the challenges of gentrification across the city. CURL completed a number of interviews and focus groups with community leaders from non-profit, religious, social service, and business organizations. The aim was to find out from a resident’s perspective how gentrification affects local communities. In January of 2006 we completed and submitted the report to the Commission and the Chicago City Council along with other organizations across the city. In April of 2006 the report was presented at the Urban Affairs Association.
Humboldt Park Flag (Courtesy of The Chicagoist)
The report found two different displacement processes. In parts of the predominantly African-American south side, displacement took place over an extended 30 year time period and was accelerated by the Chicago Housing Authority Transformation by the late 1990s and 2000s. In the Latino Humboldt Park neighborhood, displacement was more rapid and those displaced were likely to be in direct contact with gentrifiers moving into the community.
Some recommendations from the report include the following: create new or improve existing mechanisms for community voice in neighborhood redevelopment and change; continue efforts that support the development of mixed-income, as well as racially- and ethnically-diverse communities, as they can provide an alternative to the negative effects of gentrification.
Research Team
P. Nyden, CURL
E. Edlynn, CURL
J. Davis, Graduate Fellow
A. Sharma, CURL
J. Hilvers, Graduate Student
M. Troche-Rodriguez, Graduate Student
J. Rivera, Graduate Student
K. Craig, Undergraduate Fellow
A. Araujo, Undergraduate Fellow
G. Wiggins, Undergraduate Fellow
Community Partner