Center for Urban Research and Learning

Loyola University Chicago

Here you will find all of CURL's research projects and publications.

Equitable Sustainable Community Development

(9/1/2004 – 4/1/2006)

This international project was an effort to document existing successful alternatives to the reinvestment and displacement cycle in communities. We developed a curriculum that can be used either by faculty and students in the university classroom or by community leaders and residents in city and suburban neighborhoods.

The Curricular Framework for Sustainable Equitable Community Reinvestment built upon the experience of university researchers and community activists in four cities in the U.S. and Europe--Chicago, Washington DC, Liverpool, and Seville. Specifically, the partners in each city are: the Center for Urban Research and Learning (CURL) at Loyola University Chicago; the Network coordinated at Georgetown University in Washington, DC; the Department of Sociology, Social Policy and Social Work Studies at the University of Liverpool; and the Sociology Department of the University of Seville

Coordinated university-community, equitable development courses were taught at all four universities.  A web page with some of the syllabi and resources continues to be available. 

Research Team:

  • P. Nyden, CURL

  • S. Marullo, Georgetown, Washington DC

  • D. Hall, University of Liverpool

  • T. Rojo, University of Seville

  • M. Krough, Sociology, Loyola University Chicago

  • S. Knoy, Organization of the NorthEast

  • N. Ardema, Logan Square Neighborhood Association

Community Partners: