Center for Urban Research and Learning

Loyola University Chicago

Here you will find all of CURL's research projects and publications.

Housing Discrimination and Economic Opportunity in the Chicago Region

(1999 - 2000)

In 1990, the Human Relations Foundation of Chicago was created in response to a publication called Report on Race, Ethnic and Religious Tensions in Chicago, released by the Chicago Community Trust Human Relations Task Force in 1989. The human relations task force released recommendations for the creation of a foundation to energize efforts to combat racism. The Human Relations Foundation of Chicago implements the recommendations of the task force's report, targeting Chicago leadership by concentrating on issues related to, but not limited to, housing, education, religion, media, government and business. 

Persistent racial and ethnic segregation has continuing implications for the social, political, cultural, and economic vitality of the Chicago region. Not only does this segregation affect how and where residents of our communities interact with each other, but by limiting free access to housing, education, and jobs a significant portion of the region's population is being held back from sharing in opportunities and from realizing their full potential for social, economic, cultural, and political contributions to Chicago and its surrounding communities. 

This report demonstrates the reality of such concentrations, and analyzes why they persist.  We are particularly interested in assessing the impact of housing discrimination on job and wealth opportunities for people of color.  Findings and recommendations are drawn from reports on this subject written since the last series of reports commissioned by the Human Relations Foundation of Chicago in 1990.

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Research Team:

  • P. Nyden, CURL

  • M. Leachman, CURL

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