Barriers to Independence: A Study of Housing and Personal Assistance Issues for People with Disabilities Residing in Nursing Homes
Access Living Board and Staff (Courtesy of Access Living)
Access Living and Loyola University Chicago’s Center for Urban Research and Learning began a collaborative partnership to document the conditions influencing the placement of disabled people in a nursing home, and to identify the barriers that prevent nursing home residents from living independently. The team developed a survey instrument with quantitative and qualitative items and contacted nursing homes across the city of Chicago to generate survey respondents. Two waves of survey interviews produced a total of 65 respondents from 17 nursing homes.
The team produced a report outlining the findings and recommendations of the research.
Research Team:
L. Delgado, CURL
T. Hudson, Graduate Fellow, School of Social Work
D. Kruger, Graduate Fellow, Psychology
J. Rogers, Educational Psychology, Loyola University
E. Ross, Undergraduate Student
R. Luna, Access Living
B. Barrera, Access Living
K. Tamley, Access Living
T. Wilson, Access Living
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