Black, White and Shades of Brown: Fair Housing and Economic Opportunity in the Chicago Region
(5/1997 – 2/1998)
In May 1997 the Leadership Council for Metropolitan Open Communities commissioned CURL to write a report answering the questions, “What is the state of fair housing in the Chicago region today, especially related to race and ethnicity? What are its implications for economic opportunity and development?” In answering these questions we sought the input of fifty-seven regional leaders, all of whom were currently working on issues pertinent to the research concerns. CURL also conducted a detailed quantitative analysis of the changing distribution of minorities throughout the region over the last 20 years, and of the relationships between this distribution and economic opportunities.
Research Team:
P. Nyden, CURL
M. Leachman, CURL
D. Coleman, Chicago State University
B. Peterman, Chicago State University
Community Partner:
Leadership Council for Metropolitan Open Communities