Center for Urban Research and Learning

Loyola University Chicago

Here you will find all of CURL's research projects and publications.

Chicago Freedom School

CURL in partnership with the Chicago Freedom School conducted an evaluation of the Chicago Freedom School's inaugural 6-week summer institute for Chicago youth during the summer of 2007. The CFS summer institute was a six-week program, where youth (“Freedom Fellows”) participated in courses that made connections between their own interests and social justice issues. The summer institute was designed to allow the Freedom Fellows to have an opportunity to ask questions about their lives, to see the connection between the means and the ends of creating change, and to develop as agents of social change.
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One and a Half Decades of Apartment Loss and Condominium Growth: Changes in Chicago's Residential Building Stock

The analysis that follows uses parcel level data collected for the purpose of assessing property taxes by the Cook County Tax Assessor in 1989-1990, 1995-1997, 2002 and 2004. Our narrow purpose in this short report is to use these data to provide quantitative measures of the change in rental, single-family owner-occupied and residential condominium parcels by neighborhood in Chicago.
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Youth Participatory Evaluation for Community Change Workshop

The Center for Urban Research and Learning partnered with University of Michigan's Program for Youth and Community to provide participatory evaluation research workshops to youth in the community. The two-day workshop prepared young people to employ practical participatory tools for gathering information at the community level. Through the workshop, young people developed specific skills and practical tools for program evaluation, assessments of community needs and assets, policy issue analysis, and other studies.
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Evaluation of Footprints Substance Abuse & HIV Prevention Program

This was an evaluation of the Christian Community Health Centers’ Footprints Women in Prostitution Project. "Footprints" is a program that facilitates substance abuse and HIV prevention for women arrested for prostitution in Cook County. The program focuses on providing outreach and services to reduce the rate of infectious disease, drug use, especially injection drug use, relapse and recidivism.
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