Connecting Fractured Lives to a Fragmented System: A Process Evaluation of the Chicago Housing for Health Partnership
(5/01/2008 –3/31/2009)
Chicago Housing to Health Partnership (CHHP), a program of the AIDS Foundation of Chicago, is an innovative housing first model for individuals who are homeless, have chronic medical conditions, and have been recently released from the hospital. CURL partnered with the AIDS Foundation of Chicago in 2007 and conducted a process evaluation of this program. CURL partnered with AFC again to conduct this second project, which was a small quality assurance study of the CHHP case management system.
For the study, researchers located and conducted 10 qualitative interviews with clients who CHHP staff had designated as “non-engaged” due to their low number of contacts with case management. Findings from these interviews were combined with findings from administrative data and case management notes analyzed by AFC staff, and a final report was submitted to CHHP stakeholders by AFC. A policy report and PowerPoint presentation were also produced.
“When I first heard about it, I heard that not only did they help you with your medical condition, but they give you a place to stay and get you off the streets…I was like, ‘What’s the name of this program?’
She said ‘CHHP.’”
Research Team:
C. George, CURL
A. Figert, Sociology, LUC
J. Nargang Chernega, Graduate Fellow
S. Stawiski, Graduate Fellow
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