Madden/Wells Oakwood Shores Loyola Partnership
(2005 – 2007)
CURL participated in a partnership with other Loyola departments (e.g., School of Social Work, Communications, Law School), the residents council of Madden Park and Ida B. Wells housing developments, the Chicago Housing Authority (CHA), and multiple social service agencies serving the Madden Wells community. A major component of the partnership was to identify community needs and maximize resources in order to best serve the residents as they went through a major life change—whether that entails moving into Oakwood Shores or leaving their home community for other housing options.
Another major component of the partnership was to pool resources in order to facilitate success of this mixed-income community; this included documenting and researching the transition process in order to gather data to inform future decisions, as well as to potentially help guide other communities experiencing similar changes.
The project developed a model of networked resources that promotes and sustains successful mixed-income communities.
Research Team:
P. Nyden, CURL
E. Rollerson, Graduate Fellow
K. Tyson, School of Social Work
E. Coffman, Communications Dept.
E. Rubinowitz, Communications Dept.
A. Weinberg, Law School
Community Partners:
Madden Wells Local Advisory
Grand Boulevard Federation