Evaluation of Illinois Department of Health Services Open Door Demonstration Project
(2/1/2008 - 6/30/2011)
Over the course of three years CURL, in conjunction with Loyola’s School of Social Work, and with the financial support of The Michael Reese Health Trust, conducted an evaluation of the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) Open Door Demonstration Project as part of the Smart Paths Initiative.
Designed in 2005, this campaign sought to ensure that IDHS provides the highest quality social and human service to the residents of Illinois by integrating IDHS’ programs. The Smart Path campaign focuses on the IDHS priority to develop and strengthen collaboration and integration activities so that the agency can maximize its resources and improve efficiencies.
In order to evaluate the Smart Path initiative as a whole, CURL research team focused on No Wrong Door Case Management project within IDHS as a model. Analysis occurred through an outcome and process evaluation by analyzing administration data and comparisons between sites of other IDHS offices. Researchers followed cohorts of clients for two years to evaluate outcomes and interview and survey for staff at offices and referring agencies for process evaluation.
Research Team:
C. George, CURL
S. Grossman, School of Social Work
I. Stevanovic, CURL Graduate Student
A. Tan, Graduate Assistant, School of Social Work
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